How to choose project management software

How to choose project management software

Over the past two years of running a completely virtual, cloud accounting service business, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to project management (PM) applications. After spending hours on hours evaluating PM software, I’ve come up with a set of criteria that I hope will help you decide on your own solution.

Basecamp update brings key features to iPhone

Basecamp update brings key features to iPhone

Basecamp just released a big update to their iPhone app. The update includes some long-awaited key features for mobile, making Basecamp a much stronger option for mobile project management. The iPhone app also now supports cool new features in Yosemite and iOS 8 including the iOS sharing extension and Handoff. 

How to track emails with no reply in Gmail

How to track emails with no reply in Gmail

This brilliant Google Script periodically goes through your Gmail account and labels messages between 5 and 14 days old where you were the last person to respond. It's a perfect way to make sure that you follow up when your recipient fails to write back. And you don't need a third-party service to do it, since the script runs under your own credentials.

Speed up Chrome with FlashControl extension

Speed up Chrome with FlashControl extension

Recently, Chrome started really dragging on my Mac. I opened up the Activity Monitor and figured out that it was Adobe Flash that was taking up all my CPU time. If you're having this issue, try installing the FlashControl extension for Google Chrome. 

6 Easy Tips to Speed Up OS X Yosemite on Your Mac

Checking the option to "Reduce transparency" can dramatically speed up animations in OS X Yosemite.

OS X Daily has a great post out about how to speed up OS X Yosemite on older (and newer) Macs. Step 1, "Disable The Eye Candy Transparent Windows & Effects", has done wonders for me. Animations in Mission Control and swiping in full screen mode are much smoother.

Dictation: The best Apple iPhone / Mac timesaver for perfectionists

Dictation: The best Apple iPhone / Mac timesaver for perfectionists

The solution to email writing pain is Apple's Dictation tool for iPhone iOS and Mac OS X. If (like me) you're the kind of person who over-thinks and self-edits as they type, dictation will really help you speed up your writing.