The future of accounting is AI-powered 🤖

Check out the highlight reel from this quarter's Accounting MetaInfluencer's Roundtable on how artificial intelligence will transform the profession.

Featuring insights on AI adoption from:

Sona B Akmakjian, CPA, who shared how AI has been a high investment area for her organization and has allowed them to do more with the same resources.

Randy Johnston, who discussed an impressive 50%+ reduction in the need for human customer support agents thanks to AI chatbots that understand "farmer language."

Diane Yetter, who imagined creative ways bots could support #salestax audits by reading invoices and analyzing taxability.

W. Michael Hsu, who made the great point that AI is only as good as the user - it may replace average accountants, but will propel the best to new heights.

Plus, much more from Dan Luthi, Nayo Carter-Gray, EA MBA, Tamera Loerzel, Caleb L. Jenkins, EA, CQP, Gail Perry, CPA, Annette Nellen, Peter Wen, Amy Vetter, Jenni Huotari, Nicole Davis, CPA, Shayna Chapman, CPA.CITP, CGMA, and Mark Koziel CPA, CGMA.

Thank you to Avalara for including me in this forward-thinking roundtable on artificial intelligence. The future of accounting is bright for firms embracing AI to elevate their teams and better serve clients!