Blake Oliver, CPA

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Why can't accountants work 40-hour weeks?

Me: "Why can't accountants work 40-hour weeks?"

Grizzled Director/Partner: "Because accounting is deadline-driven. Unless you change the deadlines, you can't change the busy season."

That's the number one argument I hear against the 40-hour week for accountants.

Maybe that was true in the past, but it isn't true today.

There's tech your firm can buy TODAY that will cut your workload by 20% or more. There are process changes your firm can make starting TODAY that will cut your workload by another 20% or more. Probably a lot more.

But firm leaders aren't willing to invest.


Because just like it takes money to make money, it takes time to make time.

And when partners think in terms of billable hours, time is money. And sadly, there are plenty of firms that don't see the potential to both make more money AND create a better working environment for their people.

If your firm isn't willing to invest in lightening your workload so you can be more productive while working fewer hours, it's time to move to a firm that is.

Does your firm invest in modernizing processes and technology? Do they give you the time to experiment? Let me know in the comments!

I'd love to hear about the firms that are leading the way.