What's the strangest class you took to get to 150 hours?

I took "Intro to Philosophy" to finish out my 150 credits. I thought that was ridiculous. But this guy has me beat!

A listener confessed to taking "Beginner's Walking/Jogging" as his final class before earning his 150 credits to sit for the CPA exam.

He went back to his college transcript, and sure enough - In the summer of 2013, he passed "Beginning Walking/Jogging" with an A, graduating that August with exactly 150 semester hours.

A decade into his career, he admits the class has yet to make him a better CPA. But it did allow him to take the exam and launch a successful career.

I want to hear from you all - what's the most ridiculous or irrelevant class you took to meet the 150-hour requirement?

And if you're currently trying to get those last few credits before taking the exam, keep pushing. The hoops we jump through aren't always logical, but it'll be worth it. You got this!

Thanks for listening to The Accounting Podcast! I look forward to your stories.